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My Little Squinoa Tribute
What does Squinoa mean? I don't blame you if you don't know it. I haven't seen this term used anywhere else but in fanfiction, now that I think of it. Anyways, Squinoa is the Squall x Rinoa pairing, which, might I add, is ADORABLE! This sweet little romance is what makes FF8 my personal favorite Final Fantasy. So this page is just my little Squinoa tribute, to remember all my favorite moments! ^_^

Who Can Forget This Scene?
Possibly my favorite scene from the whole game is this scene. Maybe I'm just crazy, but it cracked me up when Squall thought Rinoa would "be safer in her seat". Anyways, this scene was definately very kawaii. Though it was kinda cheesy when Squall said "Ellone was there to hold my hand"...CHEESEBALL! But anyways, I loved this scene. It was just SO SWEET! lol. Okay, I'll stop saying that now...
I Promise
This scene is the scene where the words in the intro all made sense. The promise they make here is just heart-melting! And it's funny if Zell's in your party when you first come here. Zell always cracks me up! ^_^ But back on topic, this scene's sweetness definately pushes it into second place for my favorite scene. "I'll be waiting here...I promise." Aww....
I'm Sorry, But...
When this scene showed, if you didn't see this coming, YOU'RE AN IDIOT! lol, okay. Just had to get that out. Sorry. Anyways, this scene made me think back to when Squall was a big old meanie-head ("Go talk to a wall."). I even remember fighting with my friend who had already finished the game. I was trying to convince him that Squall was a meanie-head who could never change. My friend was basically just saying "No!" over and over again (You know who you are! ^_~). Gawd, was I wrong. And I'm glad I was- Squall and Rinoa are so cute together! ^_^

Steal nothing.